
Also Newsweek reported his dad had Alzheimer’s which I wouldn’t wish on anybody, but nonetheless.

I love the all the OML stuff, but I agree that he should not be part of the team. When Cap showed him his memorial that was a pretty great moment, but I’d still like to see Logan on his own instead of just going right back to being an older version of Wolverine doing the same things he did before.

No Emmit Smith...SAD

As you can see Hulk Hogan will make a wonderful secretary of State. He’s been tough on Iran, Russia, that turncoat Sgt. Slaughter...and his skin has a wonderful orange hue, he was caught on tape making racist remarks, and he too has an obsession with his own daughter

I look at comics as folk tales and not as history. So yes each version of the folktale that is shared will naturally have it’s own flair, personal feelings, political takes etc. That’s why there are volumes & multiple universes & universe changing events. It’s all serving the purpose of setting the meter back to

Headline should read: WWE Hall of Famer tabs family friend to cabinet position

This is what the master race looks like?!

This deserves all the stars

No thanks. Stopped watching Transformers after the 3rd one. Patiently waiting on Pacific Rim 2. If I’m going to watch giant mechs they will fight goddamn space monsters.

It’s a little like banging one’s head against a wall. I’m a lifelong Colts fan and this is one of the worst teams they have ever put on the field sans Andrew Luck who will be ground into a fine powder by season’s end. I think at this point he’s desperately clinging to the run to try to hide the fact that this

I can’t wait for Porkins: A Star Wars Anthology film

Can’t wait to have my son bring home his “science” homework so we can learn about how man and dinosaur walked on earth together a thousand years ago. FML

Do we know for sure what Alchemy transmuted the mists in to? All the article says was that he appeared to be successful. Could it turn out that it is poisonous to humans? That would be my guess if it hasn’t already been addressed.

I feel like there should be a name for this (like Rodriguez-ing or something). Coach does great at small program and gets everyone fired up for him to come to a big school. Three years and they don’t live up to expectations and they get cast aside to go to another small school where they have modest success again.

I’ll be honest I never cast a single vote for the man but a beer with Barack sounds fucking amazing

1.5 trillion dollar budget shortfall by most reasonable expectations from the President-elect’s tax plan. I don’t expect cuts to come from the military under a Trump administration, so that leaves so called entitlements (later retirement age, privatize SSI) & regulatory branches (EPA, CDC, USDA) to “trim the fat”.

I love Batman, but I have to say “why the fuck is Batman in this movie?!” That said the DCAU movies have gone steadily down hill since “The Dark Knight Returns” IMHO. That was fantastic the rest have been very, very meh.

If mental gymnastics was a sport half the country would fucking medal at the Olympics.