johnny b. rotten

If you don’t practice a religion, you can ignore it. You also have the option of openly criticizing it, if you want.

Well, I find the Pope’s announcement offensive, so at least now everyone’s offended.

I’m not really surprised to learn there’s no such thing as an American Hero.

Trump makes Berlusconi look like Mary Poppins.

George W. Bush went to Harvard. QED.

My heart breaks for how right you are. 

Let’s not look into it too closely, and then maybe it’ll never happen. We NEED Trump in place on Nov 8.

At this point, he may as well.

“What do women need money for?” — Mick Jagger, during the divorce from Jerry Hall

Agreed, but at the same time it’s nice to see other men step up and say that this is NOT the way men normally talk when women aren’t there.

Kirk was Green at heart, but in the booth he strategically voted either Liberal or NDP as was necessary to defeat the Conservatives in his riding.

“She also doesn’t seem to get that she’s up against someone with statewide name recognition.”

Cool’s been used to mean things other than the opposite of warm for 300 years. Everyone still says it today, so cool has escaped the mortality of most slang and is really just a normal word now.

This lady killed it.

The bar for celebration is low these days.

Vote for democratic socialist politicians. That’s how Canadian voters did it: by electing Tommy Douglas* premier of Saskatchewan, where he created the first universal healthcare system in North America. The rest of the country quickly followed, and a 2004 cross-country poll named Mr. Douglas the “Greatest Canadian”.*

Paying taxes is only half the battle. The other half is to elect a government willing to spend those taxes on services, rather than new wars, militarizing the police. and giving themselves raises.

Yes. Healthcare, education and prisons must ALWAYS be public.

They know. They don’t care.