johnny b. rotten

One of the big issues in Canadian health care right now, is how people get overcharged for parking at the hospitals.

The US system is way more open and aggressive in the ways it’s set up to turn people in to debt slaves. The Canadian and Australian systems are much more subtle, coded, and gentle about it. This may be due to better public education in those countries producing voters who need to be lied to with more effort and

Reading the comments of others who are happy to be in the military for free health care, I’d suggest it’s deliberately planned that way to encourage every poor and middle-class American to join up.

Predators. Socialized medicine is the only solution to these crimes.

“applies any tip he finds”

I’m so sorry.

Absolutely. When you look at it through the lens of “he has a penis and she doesn’t”, it all suddenly makes a LOT more sense.

“The real story is that there are millions of American voters who”

I hope and pray with every atom of my being that you’ve correctly described the next four years.

Ban foreign ownership.


Rice flour and cornstarch are the non-cancer-causing alternatives.

As a Canadian, I consider that an excellent and comprehensive summary of the situation.

If you have to pee while you’re showering, do you really (1) get out of the shower (2) dry off (3) pee (4) wash your hands (5) get back in the shower? Then I admire your steely will.

Then you’d probably love “Beavis and Butthead Do America”.

It’s deliberate. If you don’t keep statistics, then the problem can’t be identified. If the problem can’t be identified, you can’t be pressured to solve it, or blamed for not solving it.

And whatever happened to “occidental”?

I note that while it’s described as a global crisis, it’s centered on Canada and is therefore a quiet, polite crisis.

That was different. They had penises.

No, only the ones that aren’t fun for men.