While this is the perfect example of mansplaining, you should remain silent about it in order to avoid hurting Sean Ono Lennon’s feelings.
While this is the perfect example of mansplaining, you should remain silent about it in order to avoid hurting Sean Ono Lennon’s feelings.
That’s because men — who don’t have to deal with catcalling — know much more about it than women do, and will be more than happy to explain their superior knowledge to you at length.
Hahaha. Yeah it is.
Actually, it’s nothing at all like that.
“If a candidates comes along that looks good, I would then hire them and fire her. If i wanted to be extra cruel, I would make her train the new guy.”
You see, it’s very important women believe this, so the point can then be extrapolated that if anything bad happens to ANY woman, it is that woman’s fault.
Your logic is faulty. Neither Oprah nor Condi ruined manbabies’ childhoods by starring in Ghostbusters.
I’ve asked a few times, no joy. How about now?
Still grey. :(
It’s like giving your kid their favourite food all day, every day, and one day they start screaming because they see you take a bite of it.
Both have been “in” for a few years now. Sorry.
You should get more stars for that comment, but unfortunately there are too few of us to give them to you.
“Tit tick”! I love it!
Pet Rescue Commercial sketch from Saturday Night Live. Watch the whole thing here: http://dorothysurrenders.blogspot.ca/2016/08/kat-e-…
Someone posted earlier that it’s a Pacific Islander thing, they oil themselves up for special occasions.
Beautiful. Thanks for that.
That eyebrow raise and grin at the end tho. I’ve finally found the man for me
Thank you so much for that. I actually copied it into a Word document so I can use it in the future. So many men accuse women of “yelling” who are merely stating their point of view uncompromisingly.
Good. You need to be insulted, a lot.