johnny b. rotten

Congratulations on having figured out the true meaning of the Atwood quote. Since you’re so much smarter than Margaret Atwood and all the ladies on this site, why don’t you go write a bunch of bestsellers like she did, instead of wasting your talents in a comment section on the Internet?

It will be very difficult. But the first morning you wake up in your new home and realize you never have to live with him again, it will all be worth it.

My husband was not a manchild until we bought a house together.

And Mexicans

May I make a suggestion? In Canada, we mark an X with a pencil on a paper ballot next to the name of the candidate of our choice. The ballots all go in a box, and at the end of voting day the ballots are counted.

Starred for “giggle oyster”

I only wish I had more stars to give you.

Just like every other civilized country.

Please do, I’m itching to contribute.