Johnny Bode

Sorry but I’m just not into bald girls... looks way too masculine to me.

What is this bullshit you are talking about? The only thing worth living for, as far as I’m concerned, is a juicy open pink cunthole.

Don’t you have a BABY to take care of? You’re on maternity leave after all. Instead of gossiping with your internet girlfriends you should maybe check on your infant child.

A threat on my life now? Well thank you kind sir/madam. Really nice of you.

You cared enough to respond :) Sorry but you lose.

Have you been sleeping under a rock? Did you literally start browsing Jezebel today? It’s all about judging looks.

Okay whatever :/

You certainly do by mentioning it, sweetie.

Haha, the only disingenous one here is you. The fact that you haven’t figured out who I am.

You know, the same way you release anxiety by grimly masturbating to pictures of Che (or whatever it is you do).

No, a fan of mine is recommending all my posts. Got any proof of otherwise? Thought so.

Which is what?

Clearly all y’all.

Yes, exactly. Because despite all the hate I know I’ll get, I still say what I please. Deal with it sweetie ;*

Really? While Trump is about to end DACA, get into a war with Kim Jong Un and remove health insurance from 20 MILLION Americans....

The article is about Rihanna, and I commented on her. It has EVERYTHING to do with the article.

I don’t want to die before my parents. Suicide has already been attempted before.

Hey again, it’s been a while :^)