Dude is passing a car in the right lane. That’s not “blocking” anything.
Dude is passing a car in the right lane. That’s not “blocking” anything.
On the other other hand, there was slower traffic (semi-truck) and merging traffic in the right lane right at the point of brake-checkdom, so...
The guy was in the left to let people on the highway. Also, how do you skid an ABS car?
I dunno man. Isn’t this EXACTLY why you brake-check someone? :)
Or that folks may have been flown out on NASCAR’s plane. From the AP:
If France want’s to endorse a person who is on the record saying Mexicans are rapists, Muslims should be registered, called his own supporters idiots, and all the other horrible spew that he’s vomited during his campaign I can hardly think of that as a one sided smear...
No, the CEO of a sport—one that has spent the better part of the last decade advertising its increasing inclusiveness—publicly endorsing the candidacy of a blatant sexist, racist and xenophobic demagogue is ridiculous.
Why? He represents a major national brand and has sided with a man who would undo freedom of religion in these united states, and then he follows that up with “I don’t know his policies, but I support them”? It’s not a valid criticism to call someone out for endorsing someone they don’t understand? And it’s not valid…
Brian backtracking yesterday said that it was a PERSONAL, not NASCAR endorsement. Is he such a stupid CEO that he does not realize that his every action represents NASCAR? When you are the head of a major, very public organization, you lose your personal opinions, as least in public. Unless of course, you want to be a…
No. Unfounded is legal-speak for false accusation, not lack of evidence. You may be thinking of “unsubstantiated.”
Yeah, that was...weird. I don’t pretend to know exactly what happened in the case and I don’t think the NHL should be pretending either.
It looks like they have other children, which is terrifying.
I’m glad that my life isn’t so empty that the free time I have away from work and taking care of my family aren’t squandered by being a huge asshole in a video game.
The Division requires an internet connection at all times, so if your link to the servers goes down (or the servers themselves go down) you can’t play at all.
I can’t think of any major release in the last few years that hasn’t had crippling server issues the first few days, to be honest. Betas are usually limited in size and scope, so it’s almost impossible to see how your servers will handle day-one loads ahead of time. Even with virtual machine testing, they don’t tend…
I think someone’s Sega Genesis controller got disconnected.
The good old fashion “Don’t talk shit unless you can do better yourself” logic. Never really got that frame of mind to be honest.
The good old fashion “Don’t talk shit unless you can do better yourself” logic. Never really got that frame of mind to be honest. as for the dev,well, He’s need to learn to deal with this shit. If the worse thing they experience is people saying nasty stuff about his game then he’s getting a lucky break as far as the…
Maybe you missed the part where it was 78% positively reviewed on steam. If that’s shit to you, you must make some incredible games.