
They were on a break. Not cheating. If anything, Lana should have learned a lesson. {{-_-}}

Jobs? Working for who? White people who can fire you at a whim? I'd rather own businesses so we can provide our own people with jobs so we won't BE a low-income community anymore. I'd rather have our own Black cohesive community infrastructure so we can provide healthcare and other necessities to our own people

Black people in this country have a whole other continent.

Actually they're not. Maybe in the community YOU live in but no one in any other Black community really cares about those things. Do they help? I'm sure they do. But we have OTHER issues which are NOT being addressed by our "Black" president (with a white Jewish mother). But you believe these are important issues to

Same way voting helps.

Finally someone gets it. {{-_-}}

None of which are specific Black issues.

I just refuse to vote for anyone. {{-_-}}

I never said it wasn't. No need for name-calling. {{-_-}}

Not about race. Just someone who knows what they're doing. No entitlement. {{-_-}}

How about a director who KNOWS AND LOVES COMIC BOOKS?
Not a director who thinks he/she is entitled to something because of their race or gender.

Cartoon Network and Adult Swim are both officially ONE. {{-_-}}