
In fairness to Jesus, Michonne and the rest of the gang aren’t as likely to accidentally kill their own team due to hallucinations.
Jesus only wants to see that annoying kid get bludgeoned with the blunt end, not run through with the spear.

I think it just serves the same purpose as any other wall around a settlement. A determined attacker will be able to climb over it, but it will be slow and difficult and give the inhabitants time to prepare a defense.

deleted. This site sucks now.

Is anyone really that worried that the meat in their burger was frozen at one time? I freeze meat all the time at home, and it tastes just fine.

I hadn’t seen Karate Kid since I was young, but I rewatched it about a year or two ago.
The main thing I picked up on by watching it recently is what a dickhead Daniel-San was. He kinda brought on a lot of Cobra-Kai heat onto himself by being a jerk to them and then wondering why they wanted to kick his ass. And then

You’re assuming progressives are socialists (they’re not) and that all progressives want the same things (they don’t) and that all socialists want the same things (they don’t.) You use the terms interchangeably which makes you look pretty stupid, so you should stop.

Some universities cooked up some stupid liberal

Pfft. You *buy* your meat from a butcher shop?
I birth the cow from mine own loins, suckle it upon my teats, feed it only the finest of grasses which I hand-select for maximum nutrition and flavor, and allow it to grow into an adult cow I can be proud to call my own.

Only then do I kill it and eat it.

In the beginning of the original Legend of Zelda game on NES, the first thing Link does is enter a cave to get a sword from an old man. I was that old man.

Capitalism: Parents take all the candy from the kid for themselves, because they bought the costume and the candy bucket, then give the kid one piece of candy as payment for their candy-collection work.

I’m going to a Halloween party with my girlfriend. She’s a sexy female Link from Legend of Zelda, and I’m the old man who says “it’s dangerous to go alone. Take this.”

I don’t know about helping moderation, but I’ve been an AV Club commenter for years, but thanks to Kinja nearly everything I post is “pending approval.”
So now I basically don’t come to this website anymore, except my weekly visit to check out Savage Love.

Thanks, Kinja!

Regarding the one who wants to be a sugar baby:

Maybe instead of a badge for the people who do support Planned Parenthood, they can put up a mark of shame for the people who don’t support them.

I’m here (well, trying to be here anyway) but most of my posts are stuck in “pending” purgatory.

It took me a while to find the article though, because I was mainly looking for a picture of Dan Savage’s face.

I’ve been trying to comment on Savage Love. Some of my comments seem to be stuck in “pending.”
This Kinja shit is terrible and seems to have absolutely killed the discussions.

>>Has Dan ever heard of the concept of coming on command?

It wasn’t exactly coming on command, but my ex-gf used to ask me for permission to come while we were having sex. Usually I’d say “no” while simultaneously trying to make her come, while she would try to suppress the orgasm until I gave her permission.

I did respond to myself... Kinja is working perfectly as always.

Bill Brasky Clegane is a 10-foot tall beast man who showers in wildfire and feeds his baby Frey meat pies.

Didn’t Bran allude to this a week or two ago? That there are so many lives/memories in him that Bran Stark is just a small part of who is really is now?