
>>“You know who’s coming for you. You’ve always known.” What is he talking about?

Do the Hound and the Mountain have a larger, scarier brother?

He did shake Trump’s hand, as is the custom in America. Trump is the one who managed to screw up his own culture’s custom.

So basically he thinks covering himself with shit and piss somehow makes him the cool dominant one? OK Donny.

Any time a guy tries these stupid handshake games, it instantly outs him as a jackass and I have no use for him after that initial meeting. It’s a pretty good way of instantly telling that someone is a piece of shit.

Why would we even have people vote then, if their vote would be merely symbolic?

This is what I’ve been saying for months. The left is too mean, but the side screaming “libtard” and racial slurs is A-OK!

And as awful as Nixon was, he was able to accomplish some things that actually benefited the country and weren’t absolutely terrible. I don’t see Trump doing anything that doesn’t benefit himself, his family, or Putin.

Just wait til the Bowling Green Massacre happens. Then we’ll all be sorry.

Boy, I can’t wait til all those people who were mad about Obama golfing that one time take Trump to task for it!

>>Are You Smarter Than The President of the United States.
Regardless of who we ask, the answer is “yes.”