
I think your post would have had a greater impact if you typed it in ALL CAPS like my elderly uncle does on Facebook.

Obviously someone got an 11 killstreak.

I don’t have much faith in the the invisible hand, but I’ll accept the invisible handjob. Take it where you can get it and such...

The invisible hand is not an it, thank you! The invisible hand goes by the gender pronoun zie. Please refrain from hate speech on my tech blog.

How? It’s like saying if you remove the referees from a football field the players will not beat the shit out of each other and commit all sorts of penalties. At the very least, regulation that keeps the market equal and competitive is required for a healthy market environment.

AT&T and Time Warner’s top brass met with a US Senate antitrust panel on Wednesday to argue that the proposed $85 billion merger of the two companies would help competition rather than hurt it. This sounds like a big, steamy pile of bullshit.

I wouldn’t excuse the driver, either. He’s a dick. They’re both dicks. Everyone’s a dick.

Are things bad? or are you just a special snow flake who hasn’t lost anything in their life?

Can’t anyone just be wrong anymore? Do they also have to be a “fucking idiot”?

Yes, yes a million times yes. I recall when Obama was elected and the Republican Party decided immediately to work hand in hand with the duly elected President, and never worked to block anything of his in the past eight years. Liberals need to get their heads in the game and learn a thing or three from Republicans.

Liberals have spent more time in the past few days wondering how to “combat the threat of Donald Trump,” a duly elected President of the United States, than they ever spent on figuring out how to “combat the threat” of ISIS. Who, you know, have actually killed Americans and are responsible for the deaths of hundreds

When the ground starts mooving, you really gotta hoof it, but it sure gets hard to steer.

You’re really milking this.

You might say they’re....

I learned that you are clearly a misogynistic misogynist if you think anything other than misogyny caused this misogynistic mess. Don’t criticize Hillary’s perfect campaign, misogynist! Misogyny.

They couldn’t get in the stadium because it was closed. The game was in Cleveland.

“For me, this one, Alladin, and The Lion King were MY Disney movies. Also Fantasia”

That’ll be introduced in Campus 3GS.

I give it a year before HOAs start banning it.

Ass backwards is how we like to do it Iowa so he fit right in!