Johnny Two Dicks

I’m from Houston and I think this whole post is petty as fuck. who cares what she wore to get on the plane? if she can stomp a gator with those heels then more power to her. it’s not gonna make my family’s home less flooded or the city less destroyed if she wears heels or wellies.

I have a feeling that if she wore Nike, people would have something to say, too. I just don’t think it’s beneficial to be snarky about everything bc it becomes whomp whomp and the important things get ignored.

Better idea:

And Ice-T was a staple on Law and Order for a long time while I have no idea what Eminem is doing right now, so im not sure this brand of pseudo-intellectualism checks out.. 

This is their chance to prove who cares the most about being a football dickhead.

You need proof that third party voters in battleground states would have voted for HRC, had no third party voters been on the ballot.

Wait, Democrats were banking on Libertarians to vote for them? Holy shit, a strategy dumber than the one they actually used!

There are still all types of memes going around blaming people who didn’t vote for Clinton for everything Trump does. It’s clear a lot of people are just never going to accept they backed a loser, and that “vote like I’m telling you to, guys!” was not an airtight strategy.

For clarification, are you talking about the author or Hillary?

I’m really surprised there isn’t a photo of her in a convertible shielding Kanye’s lifeless body.

People are going to pile on you, but you are 100% right. She got a shit ton of “dirty arab” type comments. Read TMZ, she still does. People trot out the “but Armenia is in the caucuses which makes her Caucasian!” line like the people who insult her for looking brown know their fucking geography.

You say that now. Wait until her family has access to the patent office. All of the sudden you wake up and the Kardashians would be known for their inventions of Madame CJ Walkers hair care products, the blood bank, the light bulb, and the traffics light, etc, etc. By the time they are gone you’ll be bobbing your head

This is great because it doesn’t matter, but I hoping a lot of people are going to get so angry on the internet

If only someone would write an article every time someone decided to kneel... found it!

The kissing his bicep in imitation of Kaepernick was a nice tribute. As was the tribute by Brian Hoyer during the 3rd quarter, when he threw a pass into the ground a yard short of the receiver.

So now we’re just going to run damage control articles. Two of them already, lmao.

The reason why Beyonce is often raised in these discussion is because she is uncritically lauded as the perfect celebrity-performer activist. In reality, she is far from it (on par with Swift), but any criticism is forbidden.