
youre the best tim

...ima get you scared today

One of my “hardest fights” for a game...which I AM proud made all the more embarrassing because of what I was fighting for...DJ Hero

It was actually just a last minute, “it’s just now after midnight”, spur of the moment decision to, “drive to the closest Wal Mart to see if any of them were doing a midnight

thinking back, i realized i five starred almost every song in that game, and subsequent squeals before i'd ever kissed a girl ha
i grew up playing bass, because my older brother was THE i fell hard for it
eventually, a girl and i ended things, and things got bad enough that it led me to a doctor who

I for one love the cinemasins "formula", and am glad someone's applying it to games
It's not really about pointing out all the flaws, in order to say "look at how bad this is"
It's more about pointing out the "you may think you can get away with this 'laziness', but, not a chance" moments, that are in EVERY piece of