GG Tim Allin

Suprise! It was all a psychological experiment…and we failed.

Someone queue up "Don't Stop Believin'".

A dream within a dream.

Despite living in Illinois, I'd put out a yard sign if it said, "Iron Stache; Taking Ryan for a Ride".

"Look at him sitting, how un-presidential!"

"no one's head could be that far up Trump's ass"

Dale Chihuly gives it 5 stars.

Is this an allusion to the train derailment that outed Willis also being the one that killed McAvoy's dad?

He's not the killer in the 1st one.

"Grave Robber Victimizes God-Fearing Patriots"

And native genocide would't have happened if the dummies just peacefully gave up their land.

Supposedly it takes a couple hours find out. (According to a science-guy on the radio this morning, but what do those jerks know?)


If an agent died protecting him, what are the odds of him NOT saying something wildly inappropriate to the spouse and/or kids?

Sometimes things can happen just like this! *snaps*

Jerry's foot.

The whole album is really good.

Open casting call in Seattle I believe.

Have you had your "Silkwood Shower" since being there?

I loved the notion of turning it into an EC Horror story. Even as an 80's kid, I never liked the idea that we were supposed to like him.