
This comic is ten years old. And it wasn't exactly a new concept then, either.

It's time to fight fire .... with puppies

psh, I love cars, but I don't want to die in a car accident.

yea but check this out: nobody cares. if this clip were a scene from a movie, this would still be one of the funniest scenes of all time. it's friday. smile.

I like how they cut away right before the rider's face goes into the Audi

Hunter Pence has to scan the Subway menu when it's his turn to order.

Hunter Pence doesn't use the correct meme font.

Thats JUST what they want you to think.

The hanger is for a indoor golf course since we are talking about the Airforce.

Making things worse for Oden, Kevin Durant was spotted buying his girlfriend flowers even though it's totally not her birthday.

Hey KC, nice gesture and all, but kind of a dick move making fun of his English with that shirt.

I have no plans to go there. Ever. Did you at least get a jail tattoo? Something like "93 in a 55" across your knuckles?

Now that I've seen the footage, 2 games seems about right.


Now we know why TG never let him talked...

Would have been better with a bottle of Faygo, really complete the steering wheel clown motif.

Neither are you.

Newfoundland, Canada... There's a section of sea passage called "Iceberg Alley." It's no trouble to book an iceberg/whale tour to check it all out if you happen to venture.

Common where I live for a few months of the year.