John Novak

Excuse Patrick I was born in Florida in the 1960’s my parents are from the north   So am i not allowed to fly the confederate flag  my family are northerns and I am the only southern born 101 yeas after the war I am against slavery no one in my family is racist and I fly it for southern pride 

Dear sir the problem is you say homophobia is out of control so you are saying if someone uses the Bible then we are homophobic the Bible says love the sinner hate the sin or that God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve or eve and Amanda and says the norm in the book of Genesis a man shall leave his mother and

Well I am a Lutheran minister which was ordained online but to be a true minister of the gospel you must teach the Bible unaltered and in truth and not water it down or alter it to suit your beliefs true Christianity is not something you pick or choose which doctrines you like or believe and ones you do not this is

You do know that the name shapiro is jewish calling a jewish person a facist is basically you are anti semite i am not jewish but i have jewish decendents my great grandfather my great grandmother was lithuanian lutheran so your calls of accusing jewish people as facist offends me and as for liberals feminist

Why do you use that pharse. Cracker is a racial slur against white people

First off any african american or other snowflake who thinks any other place is better to live then the usa i suggest you visit that country and live as a native for a few months and see which is better i can tell you without even leaving the usa any country in south america between the drug cartels and corrupt

And cetotherium you are showing a your biggotry when you make statement of aligning all trump supports as white supremacist and are part of white supremacy organization members so can we say any one who wears hats that supporting and are pro canada and your prime minister in canada are anti democracy biggots who are

And what flag did the slave ships fly from 1781 till 1865 the american flag not a confederate flag you dopey northerns attack the confederate and call us all theses names but the confederate states was only in existance for 4 years the united states under its flag has existed for 287 years and you tricked and screwed

I dont think a racist charge will stick in court the man will plead free speech i doubt any judge will go against that plead even if the speech is offensive

I do not see why the man had to lose his job because the crybaby chinese got mad too bad marriott corp headquarters is located in a capitalist democratic country they are not under the rules of a tyrantical communist regime

Sure immortality is possible you fall to your knees and surrender your life to Jesus and give all your fears and worries to him and you can be assured if you are trusting and believing and confessing in Jesus. Christ

Why would you wish to die and look forward to it is this life that unbearable to you that you make jokes about your mortality

No God made man from the dust of the earth and breathed life in us and we became a living soul

But commodore you can have peace of mind if you know here on earth

But commodore you can have peace of mind if you know here on earth

No I do not need to worry is sin it is saying that God is a lier and the bible says God will provide I have trust in my savior and also by the time