John Nouel

They should have bring Ward back* (Frame work Ward to life) with the machine Aida created

Sorry that was unfair. True. The thing is, as a long IGN reviews reader. It was this year I came across AV Club. And since then, usually it is here where they don't miss the mark. Where they notice great storytelling devices. And just like that I stopped going to IGN. But now I read this? I mean i've read here reviews

And the funny thing is that the whole review is that he just didnt like something (relationships) that usually don't work very well in this format (Where in a format like JJ, it is easier) and is more prone to grow dull and predictable. This is a clear serial. Hell when i was watching that scene I was like "Yea cute

Wait, did i just read a IGN review?

Seeing it was not a set up for the second season but an actual AHS style closing of story (And this is me guessing because this is the first complete season I watch, but it seems the writers have tons of fun with the possibilities in a humorous and sometimes more thoughtful way). I think it was genius. The whole