Took me actually a couple of seconds to remember what the old Fiat logo looked like.
Fuck knows...
There’s one in Georgia too, found out after googling a bit. But, I said city, not unincorporated community.
How dare you even live in the most American city of Budapest if you don’t like the Trans Am. Go back the way you came from, boy!
Pretty much, yes. I don’t know where the Yugo’s for NA were built but the ones built for the Yugoslavian market very often had messages written under the carpet and the trim panels by the disgruntled workers. One of the better messages that I saw was “Kakva plata, takva vrata” which would translate to: “The quality of…
Idiot. Should’ve used brake fluid.
You know what? The older the F50 gets the more appealing it looks to me. Don’t know why, since I thought it was an abomination at first.
No triangles on the cars design?
+ means more revs. Good job Honda, all cars should have a button or a paddle that gives you more revs.
You spelled Miata wrong.
Here, direct from the German website for extra legitness. Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren Coupe, Baureihe (model series) C199.
Well, it’s probably more Aston Martin than the Aston Martin Cygnet. Looks better, too. But then again, even chlamydia looks better than the Cygnet.
Horsepower doesn’t matter. Horsepower per tonne does.
You Sir, deserve a medal for not ruining the car with a poor rim choice.
Not sure if those are stock rims, but the tire/rubber/rim balance is perfect.
Substances that are toxic to animals, aren’t necessarily (as) toxic to humans. You can eat a lot of chocolate and you’ll be fine, but if your dog eats too much chocolate (don’t feed chocolate to you’re dog, small quantities won’t kill it but it’s not good for it’s health either) it could die to theobromine poisoning.…
I kind of love/hate that blue color on the F40. It does look so pretty, but a part of me thinks all F40’s should be red.