johnnie mack

KD’s heel turn doesn’t seem to be going very well, despite the ring.

There’s nothing anyone can say about the city of Philadelphia that Bill Burr didn’t cover in his infamous 12 minute attack on a philly audience.

Translation: I’m getting too old for this rebuilding shit

And then he dabbed.

Its the asian blood line

Panthers fan here.


And none of the charisma or personality

listen to his cadence. he stopped after he said it because he thought that it would get a chuckle out of everyone. it was a joke that landed turribly flat.

RIP Uncle Phil.

“It was a big hit - and no, he can’t read yet, so he didn’t know what it said.”
- Doctor’s discussing Emmitt Smith in concussion protocol.

he can’t read yet

Westbrook was like

Best part was JVG saying Russ should have the right to step over and smack the shit out of that guy.

You know you are too old to do that when the response is not offense but rather confusion.

Oh I know, that made sense with all the players he mentioned and the early MNF game against Denver in those awful brown throwbacks.

1999? None of those players was even in the NFL yet.

Nissan Stadium (that’s what it’s called now, turns out)