Well, my '93 Lexus LS has 215K+ and my 07 Suburban has something like 109K... no problems (OK.. no MAJOR problems) with either one. I'm not sure where that fits in with what you wrote but I'm sure it proves something.
Well, my '93 Lexus LS has 215K+ and my 07 Suburban has something like 109K... no problems (OK.. no MAJOR problems) with either one. I'm not sure where that fits in with what you wrote but I'm sure it proves something.
I can't believe no one has chimed in with the obvious "Knight Light" joke yet...
Great like possible Godzilla! Translator become fruit good!!
I've been to the Czech Stop so many times that I've lost count. I even have friends who have their "band photos" on the wall there. This little piece of my Texas has a special place in my mind and in my heart. Especially today.
For the not-so-well-to-do coke enthusiast nothing beats a mid-80's Camaro. Also works if you're a douchebag.
April fools was yesterday. Stop.
Jeeps never seem to get good gas mileage. My old 4WD GC got about 16 MPG average. And that was the ol' 4.0 in-line six.
Not to mention helping their respective CAFE standards...
Well, that was the story I was told. Maybe it was a different one. Regardless, the owner was in town to learn to work on some helicopter... which I thought was cool - an obviously rich guy who wanted to get his hands dirty working on a helicopter. And he just happened to drive a million-dollar plus car all the way…
Yep... that was the guy's name! Funny how years later you run into someone online that knows that.
I had the pleasure of riding in an F1 back in the late 90's. My best friend at the time worked at a BMW dealership in Arlington, TX and the F1 owner dropped by one day to show it to the staff - since it had the BMW V12. The owner (an oil-guy from Midland) and driven the car up from that west Texas town - which is…
Quick answer: We live in lawsuit-happy America.
As a Texan... this story saddens me...
Wow... I was literally singing this song (in my head) on the way to work this morning...
It's irrelevant. A five ounce bird couldn't carry a five pound coconut!
That's one TALL kid... oh wait, that's Hammond...
African or European?
Mazda certainly is a family of happy little cars...
The "Chrysler" street sign in the background is quite ironic...