John Meacham

Probably would have had the manual not read like stereo instructions.

I still have nightmares of the scene from the gate with the parents saying
"yooooveee beeeen baaaaad!!!!!"

My main issue with 28 weeks later that I just could not get over was how tremendously, inexplicably, absurdly stupid their disaster plan was.

Part of the reason I think is that he loves his fans. If you ever get a chance to meet him in person, he is perhaps one of the most friendly celebrities you can run into. Completely willing to sing a bit of nightman with strangers, take pictures, or rif on his sunny character with you. Dude just likes to make people

Yeah, that's what I think happened. Gasoline actually does dissolve many kinds of glue so they were right there. But by the time the gasoline dissolved the glue she was so high on fumes that letting go didn't occur to her.