
EA promises nothing else will change

I played the demo! My thoughts:

I hope the dude is talking to people for that.

If you go based on the screenshots alone, then yeah, this article is bonkers. If you watch the video they have there that the screenshots are from, that guy seems to be rubber-banding on a game server and has to keep running past Strange.

I think you might have slipped loose from time.

They can’t use the name Shuma Gorath. Shuma Gorath was a Conan character first before Marvel used him in the Conan comics. The Robert E. Howard estate owns him.

Has it been officially discussed yet why we are calling this thing Gargantos when it’s clearly Shuma Gorath?

Film production worker, here.

I’m curious to see how things will play out between this and Sea of Thieves. (Bias disclosure: I am deeply in love with Sea of Thieves. And I will set aside my Ubisoft antipathy for this post.) One of the great balancing core mechanics of Sea of Thieves is no upgrades.

I really hope people don’t take this as a reason to blast the one guy from Blizzcon about it again. Dude was raked over the coals enough for that, even if it was a legitimately bad look at the time. But look at me, that’s like hoping I won’t get wet if I go outside in the rain.

“yea nah, he’s rich enough to have people on staff to research this sort of thing.”

Now, you must boldly march into the unknown armed as the throat goat”

okay, pausing my read for a few moments while I compose myself

The buff to Black Flame Ritual made her almost irrelevant, she didn’t even have time to heal. Mimic Tear with Erdtree Heal and Black Flame Ritual can practically solo her now. I basically went in a couple of times to apply bloodloss and that’s it. On NG+4

Well I’m a cis person who approves of this because I’m a Very Good Person. Let the unending adulation for my heroism begiiiiiiiiin!

The GTA series has almost always been about mockery. Everything is on the table. Politicians left & right, nerds, hip hop, jocks, hispanics, rednecks, gay people, weed smokers, reality tv, billionaires, you name it. I guess the times are changing? It makes you wonder what GTA6 will be like...

So no. You cannot even write a single paragraph as to why axie infinity is fun.

Found the kool aid drinker.

Good thing you didn't click on it

I see a lot of these ER speed running posts saying these runs show how “broken” this game is. But like, I’ve got 175 hours on this game and the worst I’ve encountered is a loading crash here and there (oh, and typical From stuff like enemies hitting me through fog walls). I mean, I’m sure folks have run into a lot of

12/31/1969 is the default Linux timestamp for when there is no valid date. So something is broken in the database and will probably be fixed soon