
I think you and I read two totally different articles.

Anthem was breaking people's consoles, had nearly nothing to do, and nobody praised its story. Cyberpunk was just unfinished and slow

“Why are people not completing these NPC quest lines?”, publishers fret as NPCs teleport to random, obscure spots on the map dependent on unexplained world state changes or dialogue remaining.

On another note, Ray Tracer’s name has aged quite well.

Is that you, Logan Paul?!

Now that I think about it Paul Logan is like Ray Tracer, he tries to be cool but just overdoes it and looks stupid instead.

That heal and that range, paired with the Black Blade incantation, *chef’s kiss*

There’s a good chance that the Blasphemous Blade was inspired by Skull Knight’s Sword of Actuation/Sword of Behelits:

You’ve been playing the PS4 version on your PS5. On the same console, the PS5 version literally takes 1-2 seconds for fast travel, and I dunno about initial load, maybe 10-20 seconds? I haven’t played in a bit.

Not assuming anything by any means, but it took me forever to realize that “X to continue” pops up almost instantly on a loading screen. If you just sit there without pressing anything, it’ll eventually continue after a minute or so. Now I’m barely on a loading screen for 2 seconds while fast traveling.

Yep I play video games to escape real life.

But this game is extremely realistic in that I’m driving around in a Honda Civic and I can only dream about driving the nice cars.

If you’re going to quote me, use the entire statement, including the part about mediation and resolution.  People are complicated.  What may offend one person may not be a big deal for someone else.  If someone is offended, they should have a way to make their thoughts known to others.

Content Warning: Clickbait

I’m going to remain skeptical on this one, based on the only two examples given without the surrounding context.

Took the words outta my mouth. ActiBlizz this is not. Not that the article is saying that, but it’s almost written in a way where it’s equally comparing the two on level ground.

Maybe there’s more to it, but based on what’s written here, on a scale from 1 to “button under your desk that locks the door,” this is a 1. Words having meaning, but you also have to factor in intent when determining how egregious something is. Are we really to the point where we’re doing this middle school

I absolutely respect why content warnings exist, but in a story like this, where it’s just mentioned as a plot point and not described in any way, doesn’t the content warning have the same amount of triggering content as the actual article? Does the warning help? 

Platinum has always been hit-or-miss. They made that terrible Legend of Korra game. And that boring Transformers game. And that awful TMNT game. And that questionable Star Fox game.

To be fair, they’ve released surveys after every beta test, and then made lots of changes to the gameplay (and detailed the changes in blog posts each time). I’m sure they’ll do a poll about the gameplay, as well.

BOTW 2 is literally a huge DLC that turned into a sequel game instead.