Well, is it confirmed to be 4k60 on pro consoles or not? Regardless, I have a PC. I can play them 4k60 with my gtx1080/ryzen3600 rig. I don’t consider the PC games anything but very good ports. They're not remasters.
Well, is it confirmed to be 4k60 on pro consoles or not? Regardless, I have a PC. I can play them 4k60 with my gtx1080/ryzen3600 rig. I don’t consider the PC games anything but very good ports. They're not remasters.
4k at 60 fps? I believe the pro consoles could do 4k30, but 4k60, I don’t know.
maybe on xbox one x. I doubt the other 3 consoles will be 4k60, im doubtful it will be on xbox one X too.
These look more like ports than remasters. But I guess any game that’s a 1080p60fps port is labeled remaster, same with ni no kuni
This summary must have come a million patches later or you researched a bunch of it on the games wiki, the ending was a confusing mess that half the players (and that’s generous) had to google.
Show is great, but it suffers from what all shonen that get big do. Too many villains that drag the show on to the point of absurdity, with an alien god being the final boss. The show went way too long.
Should be noted that these new models don't actually have a bigger battery, the cpu got a die shrink and uses half as much power now (which I think should reduce the problems with the plastic warping from heat as a side effect.)
That might not be true, I think the old models had a hardware revision before this new model that fixed the exploit.
Lol, that image. Beautiful.
never play a game with difficulty levels on the hardest difficulty. ALWAYS play on normal, and if you really like the game, play it a second time on hard. Games are never properly playtested on hard mode, use hard for replayability.
Thanks for setting me straight man, your intense, frothing-at-the-mouth anger isn’t weird at all.
The real world carries about military strength. Thats why hong Kong exists the way it is now, because china lost a war after Britain attacked them for banning Opium and that’s why China’s entire identity is built around the century of humiliation and became a massive industrialized military power.
Yes, Hong Kong was independent (first a colony then as a part of china wth a separate government) because china was a weak military power that got crushed by the British and were forced to allow the sale and trade of opium into china through hong Kong. Now that they are a nuclear state and will not realistically allow…
And why did the British have it? Hint: it wasn't because they were really nice people.
It should be pointed out that tons and tons of Hong Kong protest videos on YouTube seem to be immune to the great firewall and all comments are super pro-chinese government. Some of those “Kojima is really pro Hong Kong police” tweets are probably paid shills meant to sow division and shit stir online.
This game is actually way more confusing if you have played the first game because it takes place at the same time as it. If you never played the first you don't really need to think about it.
“There’s also the issue of devaluation, which was brought up by Maddy and Kirk on an episode of Kotaku Splitscreen last month. When hundreds of games are accessible for just $5 a month, why would anyone drop that much money on a single mobile game again? Hell, why pay $20? Or, god forbid, even $60?”
Lol, exactly. We literally just had Joker come out, a movie primarily about being sick and neglected.
This person obviously despises black people.
the rules “clearly state” some vague as fuck parameters.