
The surge is an extremely good souls like. Much better than Nioh.

I actually don’t even buy those AAA follow the yellow circle on the minimap AAA games, they don’t interest me, but people obviously enjoy them seeing hundreds of millions they pull in.

Cant believe people are going along with this. Eddie Murphy had some absolutely disgustingly offensive “jokes” about gay people, Cohen did nothing wrong by asking about it.

Of course they haven’t kept up with inflation, they were insanely expensive in the old days and people could only afford to rent most of their games. They should have gone down in price.

I like isekai anime. Ballad of Evil Tanya is amazing, has amazing lowfi distorted sound effects and awesome animation, rising of shield hero is an interesting take, overlord is just bland and yeah that glow to all the animation really detracts.

Except the main character has all the best items, including p2w items his guild spent real world money on.

This is one of those super popular anime I don’t get. Not only is it boring, it’s got this awful glow effect over all the animation. Who likes that crap?

Its definitely possible to get used to the controls again, I think people just have a hard time going back to old games because modern controller conventions are too set in stone now, it takes a minute to break the habits.

The best harvest moon imo. I like stardew Valley but I’m just too comfortable with harvest moon.

People say this but it really isn’t true. It’s happened one time, VHS.

^^^ you just destroyed me with facts and logic.

Probably final Fantasy tactics advance. Not tactics war of the lion’s, tactics advance. It’s just a better portable experience and honestly I love the down to earth story of real people with real life problems.

Twin Snakes is a remake done in the MGS2 engine, not the original game.

Lol, that doesn’t make sense of anything for me. Ive literally only played Chain of Memories on GBA, which was actually a decently self contained story (spoiler alert, the main characters memory is erased and re-written as you progress through the game’ so none of the previous games matter a ton).

Lol, as someone who knows nothing about kingdom hearts, that fan comment killed me

Everything doesn't need to fit the perfect definition of a game. Is Mario paint or super Mario maker a game.

Ive honestly never heard of load times being counted for speed runs. Every speedrunner I've ever seen stops the clock for load screens.

Aren’t they those lip injections that women fuck their faces up with that shes actually selling?

tbh I’m kind of surprised they didn’t just have an external gpu addon, seems much easier, but I think its possible the sega CD and 32x is still are reverberating in the industry and they may not want to have to explain how “this addon is different”

I agree, I miss 90% of the items in the game being cut off to me or utterly useless because of stat requirements, low upgrade levels, or equip burden.