
Isn’t OnLive just PSNow? They only technically shut it down.

Play any effects-heavy game on Steam in home streaming. Talking God-rays, bloom, rain, lots of moving foliage. Witcher 3, Nioh, etc.

Thanks for giving your two cents. I’m not a big cosplay guy, either as a cosplayer or cosplay fan so I was really confused why this thing was getting so much hype in the story.

Hmm, didn't think of this, but something did really rub me the wrong way reading it. I guess it's just how glowing the story is. Usually when Kotaku covers stuff it isn't so overly enthusiastic and glowing.

is this copypasta?

90% of darkmodes dont do that on OLEDs. Facebook messengers dark mode does it and it looks awful. Greyish black is the best dark mode.

Who cares about this stuff? I’ll never understand americans fanaticism about what freaking post secondary institution they graduated from.

Good lord, calm yourselves people. Can’t believe how steaming mad a simple title gets people on here.

respawning has been in fortnite for a while. Just not in that way.

Bloodborne is my favorite souls game, but the QoL is quite honestly horrendous. Its shocking to say but outside of demon souls, it has by far the worst loading times and fast travel system. Also, its way too easy to get one shotted. Also, while theres good weapon variety, every single weapons dps is trash compared to

is this comment from 2017? They made Samus Returns remember?

Oh no, youtube is promoting actual talented charismatic people like Jack Black, Will Smith, and The Rock. Whatever will I do without my steady supply of reaction videos and screaming “let’s play”-ers screaming rape jokes in my ear.

There’s really no “eh” about it. Weird tone to your comment honestly. Regardless of what someone did to you or how they treated you, you have to be as big a low life piece of shit as there is to mess with someone’s food let alone spit, lick, or contaminate it. Maybe that’s just me.

Then turn them off...are you guys serious?

edit: thought you were talking about something else.

bloodborne is actually a notoriously easy game to platinum. You dont even need like half the items.

Season 1 is based off the actual office. Season 2 is after 40 year old virgin and became a pure comedy.

“Oh, the crushing realization of a new parent that not everyone is as enamored of your perfect cherub as you are. Get used to it, bub. No doubt your kid is adorable, but you’re about to entire years of being shuffled off to the less-desirable tables (what we in the trade call “Siberia”) at your favorite restaurant, if

I’m guessing its a procedurally generated early access crafting survival game.

I heard this guy got put on some kind of list that was getting passed around.