Like 5 comments like this so I’ll just respond to this one. What exactly is black about eating leftovers? I know it’s a joke, I’m attacking the premise. That somehow eating leftovers are a cultural thing for blacks.
Like 5 comments like this so I’ll just respond to this one. What exactly is black about eating leftovers? I know it’s a joke, I’m attacking the premise. That somehow eating leftovers are a cultural thing for blacks.
And the modern confederate flag was not flown during the civil war.
Theres a walking dead FPS? Not that I’m interested but maybe it would have done better if people knew it existed.
War games have felt ridiculous to me for a while. Started feeling weird after Battlefield 1, then felt disrespectful after the COD WWII loot crates on omaha beach, then with the BFV action movie trailer (don’t care about the women in ma vidya games gamer backlash). Just really horrible lately. Haven’t bought a war…
It looks fine to me. Looks like they’re just effing around and acting normal. Two guys that just didn’t turn on the “haha look at me I’m quirky and entertaining” twitch persona.
new to hockey? All teams do this.
You realize that movie is total fiction right? Watch it again with some skepticism. Almost everyone in the movie is in on it.
I hope nobody thinks this is anything other than a big PR stunt. Banksy is not one guy. Hes several artists with clothing lines that leverage the name to create some shitty brands and call it art.
Looks exactly like 3, which looks great, but runs like dogshit on console. Hopefully they sort that out (I doubt it)
I think its worth mentioning that its very possible to fake this. I’d like to see the twitch stream archive for this if it exists.
However bizarre a mistake it may be, it feels appropriate that a Tomb Raidercuriosity like this would require such careful digital excavation to uncover.
My first thought was that I’d never even heard of this game, then I saw in this article it was one of those 360 exclusive jrpgs and it made sense. Last Remnant, Phantom Dust, Blue Dragon, Lost Oddysey, Enchanted Arms. There was a lot of them that really nobody ever heard about. I think Lost Odyssey was like the only…
I feel like the game was for him, he obviously liked parts of it. Unfortunately this game has developed a undertale type following where if you don’t beat your dick everytime you talk about it people get angry or offended. Nothing wrong with the guy stating his opinion on what he felt were obvious flaws in the design.
“In the final release, he doesn’t matter at all, but as McDonald shows, he would have been extremely important in an earlier version of the DLC.”
So every company?
So does dark souls 3. The half-light bossfight has multiple PvP invasions along with the actual bossfight being PvP.
David Bowie?