
Fire emblem is pretty popular in the west now yeah. It’s one of Nintendo’s bigger ips.

I think hes referring to the fact that its an important NPC that you might aggro or kill when you’re not supposed and mess up your progress. Dicey, aka risky.

The game looks like crap even without this mod, but I agree it makes some areas look worse (though some areas like firelink shrine imo look better)

It almost definitely breaks tomb of the giants. There are videos with the lights turned on in tomb of the giants. It’s full of unfinished textures that the devs left in, which you of course can’t see with the lights off.

Im surprised how well the gamecube sold in software considering the abysmal console sales. I’m also really surprised how much software the wii sold despite it supposedly being nothing but a wii sports machine.  9 games per unit is really impressive.

The big 3, in north america. There are far bigger anime in other parts of the world. Saint Seiya is bigger than dbz naruto and one piece in most spanish speaking countries.

Looks nothing like blackface. Dumb decision.

It looks like a ps3 game. I dont get super excited about these naruto ninja storm style games but if its a budget title I’d pick it up.

Gwyn is extremely hard. He has super fast combos and gives you almost no time to heal. Don’t let your prior knowledge of parrying trick you into thinking someone going in blind won’t struggle badly.

One of the worst covers I’ve ever seen.

I’ll be honest I skimmed the article, but one option is just to look at a video guide of the boss. Blood Starved Beast is laughably easy if you know to parry. I beat bloodborne but I looked up a video guide for two bosses. Orphan of Kos and Laurence, the first Vicar.

Play the dlcs, they’re very linear with good storys.

Pretty sure Xbox also requires Xbox live to play fortnite

I didn’t have that experience at all with the surge, I found there were fewer but tougher enemies but I could take almost all of them out in one combo after a while. Except for the final area in the game which was full of tougher enemies for obvious reasons. The armored 3 leg robots are more difficult but they’re

Doesn’t it? To me that fundamentally changes your interaction with an enemy. You have a enemy that’s best dealt with parrys, you parry it, you have enemies that are best dealt with high stagger weapons, you use that, you have weapons that are best dealt with quick weapons, you use that. If you initially didn’t know

I’m not attempting to disprove his/her point. I said the enemy sucked in the first place if you pay attention. I liked the game a lot but those were very poorly designed.

Parrying in the surge is just blocking before the attack and you have like a half second window. Like I said, the enemy sucks, but its not hard at all once you know how to beat it.

I really don’t get why people find the surge so hard. I think I beat it in 15 hours. The cheap deaths weren’t half as cheap as the cheaper deaths in dark souls for as much as people tout dark souls “tough but fair” difficulty. The dog enemies while a bit cheap, are very easily parried.

Pretty sure it was just a straight port with some tweaks. Not a remake.

Nah, Dante and his voice actor are absolutely awful in this game, and I say this as someone who hasn’t played a single other DMC game. That scene captured how generally shitty the dialogue inyhe game was.