Not sure if youre new to this game but mycareer mode has been this way for a while. Its why i dropped the games. Ill play if someone else has it but thats it.
Not sure if youre new to this game but mycareer mode has been this way for a while. Its why i dropped the games. Ill play if someone else has it but thats it.
Look forward to it. Odin sphere was one of the best remasters I’ve seen. Would love to try out this one at 4k
Lets plays as they are now are not fair use. You’d have to be the same kind of idiot that thinks its “file-sharing” and not piracy. Theres literally an article on this site from a writer saying shell watch RE7 playthroughs and never play the game. If any publishers sues a lets player they’ll win easily.
Wow, awesome gif. But any response to the fact the majority of the names are white?
Let’s be honest, the only reason the game looks simple is because they’re porting it to iOS and Android (and of course 3DS)
And you think people played Tomb Raider in 1080p on pc in 1995?
Do you mean Xenoblade?
Not all games. For older games that don’t have complex shaders, high resolution textures, or huge details in the background, it can actually not be a significant step up from 1080p or even 720p to 4k. The quality of the assets determine where the point of diminishing returns is. After that it’s just anti aliasing.
Tom Brady WAS good in college. He was too skinny and unathletic so he didn’t get drafted high.
Boy are they going to be embarrassed when they realize the source code was right here *points to heart* the whole time
...why? You sound like you think he’s not a very good umpire. So then why would you ever agree that racism kept him out of the world series?
I honestly got 2/3rds of the way through this thinking there was some buildup to a joke. No, you really are that cartoonish.
Not being confrontation but what you said just doesn’t make sense. You were looking forward to the game of the month but then you immediately say you don’t even play it. Maybe I misinterpreted what you said
That makes no sense. By your own logic you want the Netflix service then because you never play the game of the month you just claim it.
Interesting article considering jezebel wrote this incredibly lukewarm article about the fact that david bowie was a pedo:
Is there any R&D on this? Its just a tegra x1 chip which is not a new chip and the tech is just wii motion controls and some rumble tech.
As a canadian, its bizarre to me that americans think our prescription drug prices are cheap. My moms cholestorol medicine is 300 dollars a month and before she got insurance through her employer her private insurance only paid 50 bucks. Its honestly scary to me that its worse in america.
To me it looked very similar to monster hunter on console. I was excited for it and I dont own an xbox
I always hate these responses. “Uh, hey heres some context to what youre saying and why it’s misleading”