
How is mcgregor a racist?

uhhhh, no. Emulators are legal. Theres a million of them on the google play store.

is it just me or does gawkers videoplayer not work on chrome?

Right, making the game more expensive would require making less money. What the fuck are you two tools talking about?

Ratings on HBO mean about as much as ratings on Netflix.

He was great but deadspin really does love to dickride players after good games. Post a highlight video and write a couple of paragraphs. I’m sure you dont get paid per word on these “Great player played great” articles

Your hottake is pure fucking garbage. White people can’t teach martial arts?

I don't know, those riots were ridiculous. Canuck fans are easily worse than Boston fans. Not to mention they rioted the last time they were in the finals too and it was even uglier

Skyrim was pretty shitty on ps

mostly likely it doesn’t involve this level of fraud. These other athletes probably have ways of legally siphoning it off into “administration” that kermit didn’t do.

I think “crippling knowledge that he will miss” is more accurate. Guy has one post move. Must be all that fear of failure holding him back.

Hopefully online actually works

I can't really take it seriously just because of how fucking goofy this guy looks doing all that business

Maybe it's just me but that's an eyesore.

He’s not a good a good guy to start just because of how bad he is going to his left. It’s not a myth, watch the guy play, he constantly loses his handle driving left

Isn’t that trademark you’re thinking of?

DIfference is the article is actually interesting,

It was definitely some great work and yes it kind of did.

Theres nothing more embarrassing to read than an americans analysis on anything canadian. I actually feel sorry for you reading this and knowing you wrote this thinking that you actually know anything about Canadian life.

Holy fuck I nearly busted a gut at that last line