
After this i´m going to be scared the next time we will see Kimmy, or Young Hee,…. or Martha (hoping she just be waiting on the line for meat)

What the hell does Toby for a living ?

I want to see flashbacks with Lil' Lisa the fifth girl in the bunker

Lady edith going on a killing spree, helped by Daisy

I really enjoyed the book and surprisingly enjoyed the movie, but the main flaw that i see is (Spoiler Alert!) the female lead is missing for half of the movie, something that worried me since i knew the movie was going to be made and also worries me with "Looking for Alaska" if the movie is made

Pablo Escobar's accent doesn't sound good

Ellie Kemper and Renee zellweger in B***h Stole my face! (So i had to get a new one)

Just finished, Ohhh the ennui!

Havent you heard about the great quality of Dorne's Hospitals?

Next scene: Cersei rocking a 1920's bob, watching the Shame! lady been tortured

If Jon Snow is dead, why we spend five seasons watching the wall? If he can be brought back to live, why he deserves to be the first one among all of the other deceased characters? (will Melisandre force him to make her an army of baby shadows?) or is possible that he just "survives" and avoid exchange his head with

But it seems that they're doing fine, watching the Queen Mother parading naked would be enough to start a riot that can't be controled just by a shame screaming lady and two guys?

Did Selyse tied that complicated knot by herself?

So the High Sparrow is ruling King's Landing and that's it?

That should be from Europe also

Seems that Daya's baby is going to come after the Winter on King's Landing

The eyes have self steem, the eyes have it

thank you

Batman is an Emily Thorne

We will never know what will happen with Patrick if Zac Efron or Chris Patt or Mark Ruffalo walk in the steam room