Yeah, I’m a Masshole and saw the Pats pick up an extra 15 when Brady took a love tap to the dome the other night but there’s no penalty in this play??
Yeah, I’m a Masshole and saw the Pats pick up an extra 15 when Brady took a love tap to the dome the other night but there’s no penalty in this play??
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
Been there. What you’ve got to do is flip it upside down, move it across the kitchen, flip it over again, and then restart it. If that doesn’t work, repeat the process until it does.
And yet those same fates happen just as often to people who are married and have children. I think it would be a lot worse to be sitting there alone in the nursing home knowing your immediate family doesn’t care about you.
Listen, it takes a lot to make a stew ok...
I’ve worked for CSC before. They pay their employees like crap. You start work 3 hours before the game, work the game and then stay 2 hours after the game and you get a 5 minute break to eat. And for your break they give you a $5 voucher to eat the stadium meanwhile the cheapest thing to eat is a $7 hot dog. And you…
Everyone trying to correct you probably thinks the Panthers are 9-0, too.
Apparently that referee is unfamiliar with a little something we like to call the First Amendment.
nostalgia attack!
So if Philbin and Coyle are fired, does Bill Lazor become head coach? It’s not like the team is much better on the other side of the ball. Perhaps there’s some talented offensive lineman hustling trucks at a Chevy dealership in Southern Florida they could sign to run block.
it shouldnt matter. with draft kings, its like a new season every week. enter promo code: deathhurricane and we’ll match your first deposit up to $200. play today!
My word, Billy. You should be embarrassed.
Seriously, I’d be afraid of Swansea. They’ve established themselves as an upper-mid-table squad that can beat anyone, especially at home. If they keep improving they might even be like a Tottenham - always on the precipice of greatness.
Basket, jesus, way to blow a terrible joke and make it worse.
Almost as easy for Naismith as throwing a round ball into a peach basketball
Man I wish I knew you were doing this.
Kind of unfair to make them play Trinidad AND Tobago at the same time.
Reports out of Alouettes training camp say that Michael Sam was having a hard time adjusting to his role in the 12-man CFL defensive scheme, where teams generally employ a fifth defensive back.