
Those scenes in the theater, though… wow. What a gorgeous location.

*Sits patiently waiting for a Justified Tim Gutterson spin-off*

My wife and I also commented that Becca continues to show and Lindsay doesn't. In that baby class episode, I believe Lindsay even had a line about not getting fat yet.

Now I feel bad that, as a casual NFL fan, I can't identify a player's position by their number.

Counterpoint: The Kid Detectives. They haven't been around in the CBB universe for terribly long.

Dirty Work may be his cult film, but Starz in the late 90s basically ran Screwed on repeat. We still quote that movie constantly in my family.

While I consider Ico to be one of my favorite gaming experiences ever, and SotC is exactly in my wheelhouse on paper, I never had the patience to make it past maybe 6 or 7 of the Colossi. So much shame…

This article failed to answer the question of whether the best part of the first season, Paul Reiser, is coming back.

Is Gently a common surname in the UK? You'd think after George Gently, they'd at least try to avoid another "Gently" detective.

Person angriest to read this: Kristen Bell. "Screw you, Ted Danson! I'm the star of this show!"

Sextina Aquafina is one of the 8? Interesting.

I can't be alone in thinking that at least by the second season there will be a one-off episode that solely follows Darius for a day…. and that it will be incredible.

Well, add to me to the pile of people that didn't watch this show until they changed the name. I didn't want "Scrotal Recall" showing up in my recently watched queue that my wife and kids see. Yeesh.

I had that impression as well, yet Jimmy's expression read pretty much the opposite of boner. It felt like the scene could have been played a little better. If the intent was to show Gretchen didn't know of any other way to comfort Jimmy, it sure didn't play like that.

Correction: the best thing about the "Fluffer" episode, and the only reason I continued watching this show at all, was Nick's observation that putting together IKEA furniture "is like high-stakes Legos." I use that line any time I'm assembling anything.

It's not terribly often you read about someone retiring, followed by an arm's list of work they have lined up before they do so. Tarantino does this, I suppose. Either way, I'll take this opportunity to announce I also plan on retiring, right after I wrap up about another 30 years of working.

Yeesh…I had to go look up the lyrics to this. Listened to this song for years and never processed it was about the drudgeries of work.

I've found that Yankee Hotel Foxtrot came out at just right time for me…and apparently none of their other albums did. That's the only one I bother to put on anymore. Even then, it's mostly to put "I Am Trying to Break Your Heart" on repeat.

When I think of "big names" the first two that come to mind are always Sam Waterston and Scoot McNairy.

I hate to break it to Ryan, but if he had to pay to have guys on set come up with scenarios for that calendar year of banging Morena Baccarin…well, I would have done that for free.