
To be fair, "stories even remotely related to David Schwimmer" is, what?, like 5 or 6 stories a decade. Makes it hard to stay on your A-game.

Hey AV Club - why you gotta hate on Mervyn's? Hasn't Mr. Mervyn gone through enough already?

Montana: +1 … but Great Falls, Montana: -1

Nothing says "uniform size, shape and quality" on Netflix than shows like BoJack Horseman, Lady Dynamite, Sense8, so on and so forth.

But can we talk about Nothing to Lose?

If we're picking favorites, mine is the Iceland episode. The only thing I would have changed about that would be dropping the few recognizable actors altogether and playing the entire episode straight.

Don't forget Bojack Horseman

I love the nipple callback here since an episode or two ago (whichever one we see Donnie in bed), he's clearly missing his left nipple and there's absolutely zero mention or hint of it at the time. Watching that bedroom scene, I commented on it with my wife and we wondered if it was makeup or the actor himself really

30 year old Jenna Coleman will be "the 18-year-old brand-new queen of England." Sounds about right, TV.

Not sure why the golden werewolf gets props for being "sweet" when far and away the best monster to transfigure into was the flying dragon. That the dragon came the level before the annoying-as-crap bear made no sense. Stupid bear-cough superpower.

Animated Lea Thompson still gots it going on. Real life Lea Thompson…pretty good for 55 too.

Huh. Homeland is still on. You learn something every day.

It works both ways. I keep waiting for a lull in their programming so I can subscribe for a month or two, binge the last year's worth of shows I'm interested in, and then cancel the subscription, but HBO keeps releasing shows where I think, "Maybe I'll wait to start HBO Now after that show has wrapped."

Bad Blood… I can't listen to that song without noticing that barely anything rhymes, and when it does, it's because she uses the same word. The chorus alone: "blood"/"love", "done"/"blood", "problems"/"solve'em", "cut"/"blood". Batting 0.000 there, T Swift.

This is probably shrug news to most people, but I regularly drive 12+ hours with my young kids to visit grandparents and, coupled with the upcoming Disney haul, offline viewing could make these trips more bearable.

Adventures in Babysitting has a hilarious opening 10 minutes. Our VCR got a workout watching that stretch before they hit the road over and over and over.

The premise of Hell on Wheels should have been a slam dunk, but I had to throw in the towel after two seasons. Did it ever get better? That it's still on the air was news to me.

I'm sure a Jar Jar cameo would have been good for another $64 mill domestic. Blew it.

Got a free Redbox rental coupon code last night and figured I'd use it on something breezy. I was quite entertained, although I have no experience with the original Man from UNCLE. I liked that the characters skills were pretty well defined, like when Illya blazes through the fence cutting but needs Solo to pick the

There's no doubt in my mind Disney will Marvel the crap out these movies until they all feel the same. A safe move that prints its own money.