John L.

He can 3D print a detailed jet, but can’t print a phone stand?

I came here for Blinky. I was not disappointed. Thank you.

Can we steal the Heart of Gold?

I’ll bring the Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters!

Jalepeno was the bowl?

Coming soon from TimF101, The Boy Who Toked With Chilis.

I sure hope they don’t screw it up anymore then they already have. They have had spillage accidents in the past. They used to use the dry lake bed as a retention pond and they have leaked thorium into the environment. I used to Kite buggy down there. Only wind powered vehicles were allowed on the main lake bed (1 lane

I’m sure Japan has a “research” team on the way.

This is, of course, why Saudi Arabia has flooded the market with cheap oil. “A clean energy future” is their nightmare.

"Instead of a population problem, one could argue that Universe 25 had a fair distribution problem."

In the Apollo era, the mantra of the space program was "waste everything but time. But now, 40 years later, the United States has no serious competition in deep space exploration. And so, the government is more focused on the wasting of money. Rightly so, I think. I think that the backlash against the expense of a

Those other parents are perverts. The chicken is obviously milking a cow. The udders and milk bag (is that what it's called? or is it a boobie?) are clearly drawn and readily identifiable. It is a very good illustration of a chicken helping a farmer with his/her chores and I love it. Also cows don't have penises, so

Parents Night is dreadful. Last year I was singled out by a teacher in a room full of judgmental parents because my 3rd grader, for the "art show", drew a picture of a chicken giving a horse a hand-job. Seriously. I have the photo prove it if you provide me with an e-mail to send it. When I got home, I feared

They don't just replace the bulbs. LED lamps are also shaded so the light points at the ground and not the sky. Cities with modern streetlamps greatly reduce light pollution vs. older lamps.

That's Low Pressure sodium, high pressure is almost as bad as any other light.

What I saw on this list was 2 things.