John Kosto

I'm definitely with you on quality >>> quantity. I'd rather have both though, heh. And I don't mind waiting.

Oh I didn't know that! Interesting, even though these movies came out a long time ago… they definitely were part of a more "innocent" era of Hollywood. But yeah, thanks for the info!

I somewhat disagree, though I do admit that the 3rd movie had a couple of problems (I think I enjoyed it more than the 2nd one as a whole)

Nope, first The Matrix came out, then its huge success created two more movies that were filmed at the same time, but released 6 months apart. And it was the first time that such a thing happened. It also happened with Pirates of the Caribbean, before Harry Potter did it. So I am sorry, but the trend started with the

Hmmm…. that sounds kind of a lame excuse. I understand that the production of GoT is at a very high cinematic level, but somehow I am not convinced. Then again…. maybe 7 episodes will be a good thing.

What is the reason why Season 7 would not have 10 episodes? Was there something I missed? It's a whole year before Season 7 airs, isn't that enough time to complete a full ten episode season?

You are all too young (?).

That Westeros Show