
Jordan beat Magic and Isiah in the playoffs exactly once, both in the same postseason. Neither of those two would ever make it out of the first round again; suffice it to say they were washed up after the ‘91 playoffs. Jordan lost literally every playoff game he played against Larry Bird, so he’s probably not a good

#1 LeBron’s series against the Mavs: This was the first time LeBron ever played with a legit star (Wade) and not only that, Wade already had won a ring. Pair that with LeBron’s natural propensity for wanting to set his teammates up vs score himself and he was excessively passive and obviously

Jordan’s competition was, if not terrible, aggressively mediocre. Outside of ‘91, a legitimate run where CHI ended the Bad Boys and best a mostly washed up Lakers team, all Jordan ever did was beat teams who couldn’t win anything if their life depended on it.

MJ does not have better stats IMO, nor did he play against more difficult defensive rules/defenses. Zone defense was a bigger game-changer than hand-checking and while refs call fouls a bit more easily now, that’s also true of offensive fouls.

My two cents, gonna take your points one by one.

#1, ‘Jordan was better in per game stats across the board’ - Incorrect
The only things MJ really ‘did better’ than LeBron were FT% and shots taken/ppg. LeBron has higher FG%, 3pt%, TS%, EFG%, Ast, Reb, and is essentially the same for steals/blocks. Jordan’s primary

Does he though? Does he?