
The perfect graphic representation of “ Oooooooh shiiiiiiiiiiit”

I recently saw a man pushing a cart down the middle of a busy industrial street, big trucks whizzing and swerving around him, and I started to call the police but then I stopped because I wasn’t entirely sure they wouldn’t just shoot this poor, confused man. I tried to find a homeless hotline or some other way to get

You’d think Jeter would be a little more understanding about keeping around a fan-favorite statue in the field.

I wonder if the fan went to an usher to complain that he could Nazi the game very well.

It’s only going to get worse from here.

Beyond being thrilled about not to be swept, I was really glad to deny the Warriors their coveted “perfect” playoffs. It’s amazing how a couple years ago, they seemed like such plucky, lovable guys and now they come off as arrogant villains in every interview. Seriously, Green is just a dick, Curry’s an

Rex would know about settling for the three.

I can’t help but wonder how Lavar Ball might be seen differently if he were white and his kids played a sport in which they were less visible, like say, baseball. Would he be perceived in a more favorable light by the mostly white press that questions his character at every turn? Would Deadspin feature a snarky post

“And speaking as a golfer, who goddamn really cares about how much golf these guys play?”

How come you wrote Obama’s middle name but not Trump’s? That’s really stumping me.

I wish men would stop saying this. We don’t have value because of our relationships with men - we are people with worth no matter whether we’re related to you or not. Instead of thinking, “what if this happened to my wife/sister/mother/daughter” try thinking “what if this happened to me.” Because that is what we think