I'm with hernia

Ehh, this is a slippery slope. by these miniscule standards, I'd say Goodfellas is the best sports movie because of Maury's point shaving at BC comment (bonus points because its true) before he gets icepicked. I can't watch naked gun anymore because I can't find OJ funny anymore, which is a shame because CIA code name

He probably saw her show and assumed she doesn't like black people. She is the worst of white privilege personified. #brooklynplantation

She is in the ignominious group of non-politicians who actually have blood on their hands - AIDS patients and abused women who suffered because she had the ear of the Reagan administration. Good riddance.

Wow, a white southerner doesn't think blacks are being oppressed. did he preface his take by saying, "well I do declare"? Thanks for reminding us the S in SEC stands for segregation and the C for confederacy. not sure about the E. now go enjoy your bag o dicks with your mint julep and stfu.

Did we expect a different response? This is a league that took millions to put on a weekly nationalist propaganda show that even offended John McCain. John Freaking McCain!! Sorry but the outrage-o-meter doesn't move the needle for people acting predictably.

Let’s ask Goulet.

i hear donald trump likes small pizzas. by the way, mustard by a mile. endless varieties, possibilities and even ketchup substitutes - e.g., sweet potato fries with Dijon. I’ve knocked regular ketchup down a few places on my condiment depth chart, below catsup and above miracle whip.

Its a show limited by its limited run. more episodes and they wouldn’t have had to rely on these lazy tropes. Acting was great though. Honestly, has Jeannie Berlin not been in anything memorable since "Sheila Levine is Dead and Living in New York"?

He needs an intervention, and by intervention I mean a Kevin Mitchell ass whooping.

do pancakes count as bread? if not, then I’ve said too much already. hey look a squirrel that looks like Lincoln chaffee