Albert Ross


There is a cinema in Hoboken.

What's the pilot from LOST doing here?

I still have no idea who he is and I used to watch Heroes.

It would have to be the Clash. I always put them off with 'I'll see them next time'. Same with Joe Strummer. I did see Big Audio Dynamite. Met Mick Jones who was a really great guy.

In the mid 90's I was working at Right Track Recording where David Bowie was doing work on Earthling. He was a nice guy, very chatty. I of course, knew who Bowie was, I had his records but never saw him live.
In January 1997, David was turning 50 and celebrating with a benefit gig at Madison Square Garden. That's when…

"You can take the TWAT out of Lodi, but you can't take the Lodi out of the TWAT"

I was 14 and I saw it numerous times during it's opening summer, including one Saturday afternoon at the Stanley Warner Theater in Paramus NJ where I saw it three times.

I really like this show.
Will Mon-El get to the Legion of Superheroes?

You're a clever snowflake.


Ira is funny.

Yes, but Obama was correct. Trumplethinskin is not.

you win!


fare thee well Clyde Stubblefield

One of the principle reasons why Melissa McCarthy went over so well was because it was a surprise. It might work best as a surprise.
Rosie's too needy. She should do a webcast instead.

I loved him madly.

Is this only for apple phones?

Unbreakable? No, UNBEARABLE.