
Just partner with Google FFS you greedy bastards.

I suggest you look into the company exec’s involvement in pet antidepressants. As this is likely a surefire way to sell unneeded antidepressants to stupid people, via corrupt and greedy veterinarians.

There are more people looking forward to Axanar than there are looking forward to Destiny.

Ah Ha!

Now playing

Behold the greatest fight scene in the history of female fight scenes:

Find a country that ISNT going to try to influence the USA’s political system to support its own agenda.

What’s it like to live your life full of bitter hatred, Turton?

Saw this all the time with big industrial expos. Chinese companies making knockoff products, or some factory that makes whatever you might dream up, would sent a few random guys that can “Speak English” over to the expo.

But seriously, It’s a carrier launch. Those gforces exist regardless of the front landing gear design.

Can just about guarantee that the plastic shroud was rattling at certain instances, and the lazy ass factory opted to cram loose change in the tiny void between the shroud and the drive to change the vibrational dynamics.

Lol. The article clearly states they’re sealed on all sides. Genius.

“My ride in MICROSOFT’S selfdriving car was harrowing as hell”

Humans use a sort of simplistic ecolocation to locate sounds in the environment.