does not absolve...but can help you avoid jail and be released after mental evaluations are complete. i.e. help you get away with a crime.
does not absolve...but can help you avoid jail and be released after mental evaluations are complete. i.e. help you get away with a crime.
Agreed. In the end...who really cares? N.Korea is probably going to at least try to nuke somewhere in the continental US and Donald Trump will respond with every fucking nuke hidden under US soil and likely kill all of us within the next 3 years. So they cheated on a test for car emissions? Every one I know with an…
forgive the intrusion...I have a simple SINGER sewing machine from grade 10 “Home Ec.” and virtually no aptitude for sewing whatsoever... but I’m fairly certain I could whip this thing together in about 30 mins for around $7 of supplies. Perhaps the solution to the price-point is a little ingenue?
I came here to say that. Thanks :-)
Guaranteed there’s a carefully worded pre-nup...probably one that excludes division of assets if the marriage dissolves in under 5 years. She’ll get child support....but that’s likely it.
Thank you.
See commenter ‘Margarethe’ below for point and fun entirely being missed.
ehhh.... hardly emptying. Those are deeeep pockets. But, I’m sure it hurts a little and that, I guess, is enough. her face orange? Like Donald Trump orange? With white ass “I never tan” arms? What is happening in your picture?
Well...that’s not going to happen. But we appreciate the sentiment.
That’s nonsense and you know it. They’re just civil servants who want to go home at the end of the day and play horsey with their kids. They get guns because their job is to protect and serve all citizens.
You win today.
I knew of a evangelical christian couple that held hands on their wedding night...and the next morning the new hubby called the pastor to repent from....his sinful....desires....toward....his...wife....
I work for the Justice Department, have literally seen it all and have virtually nothing left on the inside....and this post made me mutter ‘Jeezus’ loud enough that my cube neighbors asked what was wrong.
What the fuck is the matter with you? No guns were in the house before the teenager brought one in. Kids do stupid, risky things with tragic consequences sometimes. There is no lesson here.
Black. Female. Muslim. Judge.
Yaaaa......I’m seconding total macho fantasy fuel. Good call.
Hahaha...for 1 second...exactly one second, you got me.
Aaaand you just ruined Star Trek for me, for ever. Tks.
Collect the order to throw it in the river. A retrieved bullet turned over as evidence that you were shot at, only proves that you discharged the firearm yourself. If someone - running away from you - shoots at you...that bullet is gone into the ether, if it didn’t hit you. Shell casing…