
I mean, it's not a great call. But it's not a terribly bad call, either. This isn't an atrocity. That ball is headed for the rim. Then who knows? Bad wood all around.

Are there political differences between the NBA & NFL PA's that are influential enough to prevent the players from selecting a highly accomplished non-player to lead them? They seem content selecting underwhelming 'safe' candidates. It's weird, considering how much money the league generates and how high the stakes

Bauer's actually making a very good point here


Not that it matters, but I am curious as to what question they asked Murphy before he gave that answer. Usually you guys are pretty good with this. I'm not saying he was led into being an anti-gay buffoon. He is what he is. But the question would help understand this a bit.

I'm a fat garbage person. I'm 32. Since suffering a pulmonary embolism & left leg clot, I've just resorted to getting fatter and farther out of shape. My knee needs surgery, but it's not mandatory, so when I run I would really like to never run again. No matter what I do, it ends up being half-assed and less than what

No offense, but it's possible I may not even read this and instead stare at that gif for the next seven hours.

There's nothing wrong with imagining how she'd fare against a man, unless we're going to live under the delusion that men [at the top of their respective discipline] aren't more physically able to perform in these kinds of situations. It's not sexist, or a pat on the head, or a backhanded compliment. Calling her the

I absolutely hated that Yandle trade. They move Duke and a first rounder (plus Moore) without shedding any salary for a guy who is half Brian Leetch and half Michael Del Zotto? I understand it's boom or bust for this team as it ages and brushes up against the cap. But that trade wasn't necessary, not for the moving

Alright. I'm not going to absolve them though. I will (perhaps wrongly) continue to lump them in with the organization they belong to and reap financial reward from. I'll see what they say.

I guess we'll wait for the statement. But I'm not about to pretend these schools, their boosters, and their leagues aren't complicit in the cartel of fucktards known as the NCAA.

His graciousness's startling. That whole note could have just said "Fuck the NCAA and fuck Baylor too," and that still would have been more classy than those pigfarts deserve.

They need a 'policy' to address using a sick player's mother as a prop in a farcical show of support for women afflicted with breast cancer and to assure after she's of no more use that someone attends her son's final goodbye. Sorry for the run-on sentence, but that had to be one, angry, mind-numbing thought.

That's definitely fair. I was simply drawing a comparison to what could be considered, by some, as so extreme an anti-gay position that it could be conceivable the same request (to not do business there) would be made.

No, you're right, I have no idea what I'm talking about. Good talk.

I can't respond to this, seeing as how you're just putting words in my mouth. Take care.

Not really, no.

So it's your contention that companies shouldn't exist, at least to some extent, to turn a profit?

That doesn't really make any sense. But okay.

I don't recall mentioning "blind capitalism", not the cure-all for the world's problems being "greed". I'll as you the same question - what is it companies should exist to do?