John Gottschalk

Damn, I forgot I called this, niceeee

He better watch out for kidney stones too, with all that peeing he doesn't do.

Yeah, I love how surprised Earn is when he gets the money, he started just living that life, forgetting that he was in it to get paid.

This is the first episode of the HBO season that just fell completely flat on it's face for me. I understand it was meant to parody shitty sitcoms, but in the process it became a shitty sitcom. The whole deposition was stilted, the characters left the episode worse for wear, the wipes and music choices were just

First episode has 2 Brits, several gay guys, and a bunch of meth addicts in recovery. Second episode has a Muslim girl, middle-aged swingers (one black, one of Asian descent) and a (monogamous) cross-dresser. Third episode has a dog.

Comedy is just tragedy sped up.

Yeah, I'm guessing episode 10 will be the condor chick hatching and that causing a huge amount of attention for them and it will all have been thanks to… Jared.

I'd probably say 1 small problem per episode, or 1 major problem per 2 episode, that's too much. But I got a pretty high tolerance I guess. 2 small comments and 1 wrong recording device seems small in a 13 episode series. Although the Iran comment is a bigger one for me, in a 'there's no way that character could

Well the theory of large asteroid impacts on the K-T Boundary actually goes back to the 1950's, even though the direct connection to the extinction of the dino's didn't come to the 1980's. Not sure if that helps any.

I don't really understand people's necessities for period dramas to be 100% accurate. There are allowed to be relevant current phrases in a period drama if it helps communicate to the current audience what the characters are thinking.