Well a majority of Hollywood is Jewish, so less Jews in the name of diversity is always a good thing.
Well a majority of Hollywood is Jewish, so less Jews in the name of diversity is always a good thing.
80% of women crossing the border illegally are raped. Trump is helping fix that. People like you who just ignore the problem and deflect calling it “racism” only help rape culture.
You know what? I’m done being a democrat. My best friend’s sister was raped and killed by a gang member, and now these rapists and murderers are being defended just to spite Trump? Yeah, that’s the straw the broke the camel’s back. I always had a feeling liberalism was nothing but fake vapid virtue signaling - thanks…
If you believe in white privilege, then of course you believe in black privilege. Just look at Obama, Herman Cain, Ben Carson - how many Asians have been able to run for President? None -they don’t have Black Privilege.