John Hoagland

It's funny you should say that. I saw some promotional posters on Facebook with David Bradley as the 1st Doctor in a silhouette of Capaldi's Doctor. Though I don't know if the poster was fan-made or a leaked official BBC promo.

Then why don't they pick up another Iris as well? Maybe there's a universe where Barry died and Iris misses him- the producers could bring her over and add even more romantic drama.

I just came across this article today. ;)
What stands out the most is that these guys admit they're fans of the comics and movies. Compare that to people like Josh Trank who actively admits he didn't read any "Fantastic Four" comics before making the movie.
And I remember reading an article about how the costume in the

It's good to know that fictional media companies need at least 2 verifiable sources before publishing stories. This is a nice change from places like Huffington Post which only cites a Chinese newspaper as a source, which in turn used The Onion as their source.

I knew Disney thought they had to compete with Harry Potter land at Universal Studios, but Disney always seemed to have the best imagination. Why hitch a themed land (and a probably-too-expensive license) to "Avatar"? Why not make something on their own? But I suppose there was no other top-grossing movie that would

Do the people at DC Entertainment talk to each other? I'm sure the conversation is going something like this:
Executive #1: This character is so hard to get a handle on. Hire a new director! Hire a new writer! Maybe the new guys can figure out how to make a decent 2 hour movie.
Executive #2: Um, you do know that the

I know this is an issue for almost any sci-fi show, but how come Winn is the only human who's surprised and awed to be on another planet? Wouldn't the rest of the human prisoners basically be in shock when the learned they were on the other side of the solar system and needed a magic stargate to get home?

I think it would have opened up a lot more story-telling possibilities if the end of "Legends" followed the Invasion comic book. Sorry for the spoilers, but:
In the comic, the Dominators detonate the gene-bomb which renders all meta-humans powerless, though normal humans (Batman, Green Arrow) and aliens (Superman,

I can hear the studio heads:
Margot Robbie was great as Harley Quinn, but do you know what would be better? Batman. Can the Joker appear? No? Okay, then how about setting the movie in Gotham… and with Batgirl? This means Batman has to appear at some point, right?
Did I mention that Batman needs to appear in the movie

Lucas is at his best when he's the idea guy/ executive producer. Sure, the original Star Wars was good, which he wrote and directed, but The Empire Strikes Back was even better… because someone else finished the screenplay and someone else directed.
Indian Jones was great because, again, someone else wrote it, and

I think it's ironic that on a discussion about the Flash TV show, I see a warning message on the right saying "Flash plugin failed to load". :)

I thought the episode was good overall, but I didn't like the "Dark Knight Rises" style of crowds running at each other.
On one side are soldiers with machine guns. On the other are angry citizens. Why do they run at each other and fight when the soldiers can shoot them from 100 feet away?

If that were true, then the writers should have let a few nuclear missiles hit before Felicity and Curtis saved the city. Sure, that one city is okay, but everything else has been destroyed… no, wait, Barry reset the timeline.
Would that be a brilliant plot device or a cop-out? :)

Some stray thoughts:
Stopping something bad in 3 times reminds of Picard's adventure in the TNG finale "All Good Things".

I think the other main reason Civil War did so well was because these were actor who knew their roles: Chis Evans played Cap in 2 previous Captain America movies and 2 Avengers movies. Robert Downey Jr played Iron Man in 3 Iron Man movies and 2 Avengers movies. Even Scarlett Johanssen and Jeremy Renner were in 2

Aren't there plenty of other good ideas for horror movies? What studio or executive gave this film the greenlight? Who financed this movie?
Or rather, who needed the tax write-off by spending money on remaking a movie that was only decent to begin with?

Companies also use altered names so they can get a copyright or trademark. "Wings" is a common word and not copyright-able, but "Wingz" is unique enough to be copyrighted.
It's also why "Yoda" and "R2-D2" are copyrighted names, but "Luke" and "Solo" are not. "Han Solo" is probably copyrightable, but that's a debate for

Why Darkseid? Why not use the villain from the original story, Mongul? I don't think WB's movie division is using Mongul so there shouldn't be an issue.

I haven't read all the comments, but how about the quote from Doctor Who:
Time can be changed.
People can't!

I know the Reverse-Flash is a big villain in the comic book, but I still don't understand why they needed to bring him back for this episode. It seems like odd timing for the Flash team to fight one speedster (Zoom) and then have to fight Reverse-Flash again.