John H. Mallett

Let’s make sure he can’t just take that costume off...

Actually Antifa are everywhere, it’s not just an American thing. You’re not getting German Antifa to call themselves “American”.

“We Finally Got A Good Battlestar Galactica Video Game

Even she wants to forget she was Batgirl.

Real talk: he’s like 20 years older than me and looks way better with his shirt off!

fewer people in my way at disney parks? good!

My first thought as well. Better get a bucket.

Now playing

According to Roger, you can skip the mask. All it takes is a bad wig and prosthetic nose. Then you can have as much free wine as you want.

Pretty sure that when the Roanoke colony vanished, all that was found were some graves and the word “Crotilla” carved into a tree.

That this isn’t the default policy in law enforcement is a crime in itself.


When questioned about the incident the man said, “If only I had a gun in the other hand, I could have stopped myself.”

Mr. Lockerupagus

Entire face seems to have been covered in acid.

It’ll be like “Gattaca” but instead of not being allowed to be astronauts, the “genetically inferior” just won’t be allowed to live.

RIP Raul Julia

God, remember back when we all thought she was just the battiest goddamned thing to ever come out of politics, and how it was amazing someone that unprepared for office was anywhere even near the presidency?

Now playing

 I really liked the English Toonami intro for GT.