John H. Mallett

the only sane take here.

Trick question. It’s not food, it’s medical waste.

I’ll be the first to say that clearing your sinus using a neti pot is one of the best feelings I have felt. Its right up there with a good sneeze. Her smile, and reaction, sums up that feeling best.

Why is Mario waving like a demented lunatic?

“ On your majesty’s secret service “ or nothing.

Oh, I think that one with Diana Rigg still holds up very well (On Her Majesty’s Secret Service), thank you very much.

The Register article says Graham’s orientation became public knowledge in Nov ‘14, NOT ‘12 as the above article states.

As long as it explains about Victoria becoming a werewolf.

“Who wants to tell him about Braveheart?”

Ah, percentages and percentage points. 5% is not 1% more than 4%. It is one “percentage point” more. In percent, 5% is actually 25% more than 4%. It’s Friday, who cares.

Anyone know what the "secret code" is for Charter?