John H. Mallett

Or, and hear me out here, just because there’s a newer model out doesn’t mean the old ones are trash. There are likely no shortage of people who would be super excited to have last year’s AirPods even if they had to clean your ear gunk out of it.

...or else what? He might break a tie vote against their favor?

Just a reminder that printer ink is exorbitantly marked up, and this seems to be just ink before it’s put in cartridges which factor into the cost. So the expensive aspect of this is probably the clean up for the company, not the loss of ink.

A short stint at a private military school is often a last ditch effort to improve chances of getting into college, meaning he was likely too dumb to get in on his own grades.

I’m the exact same way, but conversely at work I can’t fucking stand leaving voicemails, especially because so many people don’t have outgoing messages so you don’t know if you’ve even called the right person.

My favorite part about this is the total emptiness of the unliving room. There’s literally a point where you can tell Kim had to squat on her ankles because what, she’s just supposed to stand in the hallway for entire concert? Living rooms have couches where you can sit and relax while watching things, that’s

I should have clarified, the bit I was referring was part of the discussion of what the author refers to as a “walkout charge”, typically assessed as presumption that the customer is a decent human being who intended to leave a tip had they not forgotten to close out before leaving.

I dispute your assertion that a bar should wait to charge an unpaid tab until the customer physically returns the next day or days later. Most bar systems require all business to be closed daily and many modern systems don’t keep the card on hand, just swipe a pre-authorization and hand it back to the customer. Hell

Mightn’t this be dangerous for snorers with apnea? Your parter might not hear you snore but they also won’t hear you stop breathing?

I’m totally cool with this ad, but it’s worth taking a moment to consider that this isn’t an ad to sell men razors. Gillette already has about as big a chunk of that market as they can get. This is an ad to improve their market share in Women’s razors.

To be clear, this is being grown in Earth soil the lander brought with it, yes? What they’re testing is growth in low gravity, not the fertility of Lunar soil.

Considering that the vast majority of those half million yearly copies sold are for public school students, it’s a win for parents’ wallets 

Paying 2-3% of every single sale to visa et all can seriously add up. The owner also has to pay that same charge on every credit card tip as well. For a very busy restaurant or more typically bar, forcing cash can save on those fees and has other perks. I say it’s usually just the busy places because they’re the ones

I always keep a twenty folded in between my phone and case (which also holds my cards) for those times, I guess if I lived in a bigger city I’d use a $50. A lot of gas stations and smaller shops also still require a $5 minimum to use a card (often so they can rip people off with a fifty cent fee), so it pays to keep a

Why not just tell people to go the fuck home? It’s exactly as polite as flipping light switches but far more clear.

Oh man I really hope they don’t change the earpod design, they remain the best casual fit I’ve had. All the other earbuds I have, the kind with the rubber bits that stick in your ear canal block out all other noise, meaning you can’t hear any of the traffic or people or bikes coming up on you, and they tend to start

They don’t have wolverines in Australia. Willing to bet a whole lot of Americans similarly think a Tasmanian devil is just a silly cartoon character.

Since when is Tenure a thing in high school? 

I’m willing to admit that amazon probably knows what it’s doing and will turn a profit but still have a hard time imagining the overlap between people who want a live Xmas tree and people willing to take whatever lopsided spruce somebody throws in a box.

I’m willing to admit that amazon probably knows what it’s doing and will turn a profit but still have a hard time

That Shuette dude is absolutely a slime ball, but it’s worth pointing out, since you brought it up, that he’s using the British pronunciation for Van Gogh, which splits the difference between the totally butchered American “go” and the difficult for English speakers to pronounce actual Dutch version where the first g