John H. Mallett

I would be way more ok with the plot twist (not totally ok, because, ad nauseam, characters need to grow) if it hadn’t been promoted as an event. This has been one of the most built up comic event releases since the Death of Superman, and they knew from the get go that they weren’t going deliver. That feels pretty

While obviously better told, let’s nobody forget the entire Spider-verse concept came from the 90’s Spider-Man animated series, which was both a really fun arc and a great way to get me to buy a ton of new action figures.

I think this could really make the movie if Marvel is willing to go dark. Imagine something like Ed Harris in Westworld season 1. Flashbacks between a young and current Michael Douglas can go deep and show how Hank Pym has always been both the hero and villain of his own story.

If I had to bet I’d guess this event is going the opposite way and will attempt to pare down the number of spiders floating around out there. Probably not by killing many of them but rather wrapping up story lines.

Wow, I thought the Sony Spidy Outfit was cool until I saw his feet just now. Why on earth does he have metal soles!?! The entire point of Spider-Man’s spandex suit is that it’s thin enough that he can cling to walls through the fabric. Giant metal taps not only only negate his powers he’s gonna be going clickity clack


I have concerns they are seriously going to trash Peter’s character in order to play up Miles. Also why the heck is Gwen just announcing her secret identity as an introduction?

Further blurring the line in Lando’s waffling actions over whether he actually cares about L3

UPS just did this to me yesterday, but what really grinds my gears is the Dominos delivery tracker. Don’t fuckin tell me I already have my pizza when I’m starving and waiting for my pizza. I wouldn’t be checking the damn tracker if I already had my pizza, I would be eating pizza.

Is nobody else weirded out that this movie features the only black man in the galaxy rolling his eyes and cracking jokes on the subject of equality and slavery?

Can’t wait to read this. I’ve been fuming ever since Wicked Weed used Beer City’s good will and then threw them under the bus.

Wasn’t this Micro’s big thing on Punisher?

I would buy ten tickets to an R-Rated black and white screening of Boba

The Chucky where I live is full of white people, obnoxiously bright, and the pizza is awful. Also it doesn’t have the full band, so it’s really just a let down all over.

Wouldn’t Deadpool killing baby Hitler totally negate the point of the movie?

Didn’t they already do it in an alternate timeline with the DKR 1-arm?

I can’t wait to see the origins of all of Batman’s villains before Bruce Wayne is even born.

Hobgoblin, not Green Goblin. He was great in it though, I’d love to see the character return with him voicing someday

What about the ant man and the wasp movie? It’s coming out before A4 so is it just going to take place with half the world missing?